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Shane & Emma's Smallholding



September Update

September has come around so quickly....What happened to the summer?

 Not much has happened since the last update, other that the arrival of our new stock.


I have completed my responsibilities as the Southdown supplier and distributor for the local area and we are left with 13 lovely little lambs.


However, whilst collecting the last group of Southdown lambs from Sarah the Shepard of our suppliers Church Farm we got into a discussion about the Wensleydale breed, It turns out that these are a long wool breed with meat that's got a lot in the flavour department.


Well....I guess you can see what's coming....Say hello to the six new Wensleydale lambs that are a part of our flock.



Other new arrivals are the two Tamworth pigs, these are nine weeks old here and have just been weaned....so a little skittish.



Our ducks are at last laying eggs, so I am currently being spoilt with one of my favourite breakfasts....Poached duck eggs on toast....with a side order of bacon!


Talking of eggs we had these little fella's hatch out in early august.



These are Norfolk Buff and Black turkeys, and are about three weeks in this picture.


On the subject of turkey's we recently went to a rare breed auction to obtain some addition turkey chicks to supply you guy's with a Christmas dinner, unfortunately there was none available for sale, we didn't leave empty handed though because we bought four more Indian runner ducks 2 x peach and 2 x white.



The new ones are at the back....Oh yeah....we did make another purchase.



This is Mary (cow) and Elsa(calf), They are a small breed of cattle called Dexter which originated in the South Western region of Ireland. Like the Kerry, they are descended from the predominately black cattle of the early Celts.


Well I guess with the new additions to our plot we are now farmers!!!!!


Our thanks go to James and Emma for a cracking job of our lawn....Parents if you want your kids to cut the grass you'll have to get a ride on.




Willow is currently going through guard dog training....Here she is lulling young Ethan into a false sense of security....Trust me, any minute now!!!!!!



She can still be a little naughty....Willow helping to redesign the garden.



Well gonna leave you with one of our fantastic sunsets as viewed from the garden.



Speak soon


Shane & Emma


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